Music, etc.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Casiotone for the Painfully Alone - Graceland

Although I am an Owen Ashworth fan, I was a little skeptical going into this song for Paul Simon's Graceland is one of my all time favorite songs. Although Islands were able to cover this song very well (Islands- Graceland ), it is not an easy song to duplicate. This new monotone, depressing take is a breath of fresh air and works as an interesting interpertation of a pretty hopeful song. Some sythn cords back this pretty slow, stripped-down cover. A limited edition of Casiotone's 7" "Graceland" single can be found here .

Goldspot - Float On

A lot of Modest Mouse fans detest the band's 2004 brush with the main stream that came along with the song Float On. I, however, find it to be one of their more delightful songs. Obviously the fact that it was more over-played than "Crazy" is going to get some people upset. Although I can't speak for experience, Modest Mouse shows seem to include more people just banking on hearing that song, which is pretty lame. This cover is also pretty lame. I was trying to find a cool bluegrass cover of this song that I heard a while back, but that was no where to be found. It doesn't help that this track come from the new O.C. Album.

The Flaming Lips -
After the Goldrush

Since I've given you one shitty cover and one mediocre cover, I thought'd I'd top off this weeks covers with a great rendition of Neil Young's "After the Goldrush" from my favorite band of all time. This pretty rough version of the song, that can oly be described as "kick ass," comes from the Lips anthology, A Collection of Songs Representing an Enthusiasm for Recording... By Amateurs (1984-1990). Much like Young's voice, Wayne's voice is by no means the old standard of great. The both of them though have such a unique voices that it fits their own personal music very well. I couldn't imagine a beautiful voice like Jeff Buckley's pulling off "The Spiderbite Song." Because this is a fairly early Lips' recording, you have to expect the noisy quality to it, but that quality only adds to this great cover.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on, posting the lead track of a 7"? Why not just take money out of Rococo Records' pockets.

6:10 PM  
Blogger Bernie said...

I'm sure no one is going to come here with either a) having any intention on buying the 7" (which is a limited edition copy , that I own thank you, and therefore should be bought for the collective value and not necessarily the content) or b) not having seen it already on pitchfork, a website which has millions of viewers (compared to this site's five or so) next time you're going to accuse me of "taking money" from the good folks at Rococo, I suggest you have some guts and leave a name, while also having a legit argument...thank you for visiting, if you don't like what you see, don't come back, it's that simple

6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude your blogs are ill i had no idea about them hahah im ognna have to start reading more often i like your picks btw im in agreement with a lot of them

6:55 PM  

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